New Season, New Cover Art
Our new cover art by Jeremiah Wallis
It has been an honor to have our little podcast draped in the fine vestments of a Robert E. McGinnis painting. For this humble podcaster, it was a dream come true.
I used to marvel at the McGinnis covers of the James Bond movies in my Dad’s VHS collection and sneak peaks at all the McGinnis women on the covers of his paperback book collection in the basement (back before the flood - that’s another story). And I am extraordinarily grateful to have been able to boast that our little show has had a Robert McGinnis cover for 27 episodes.
But now with Season 2 pressing onward, it is time to pass the torch to a new artist. We have a brand new cover coming to The Crime Is Up Podcast from the immensely talented illustrator Jeremiah Wallis.
I know the podcast is an auditory medium, but we believe in the power of that striking, eye-grabbing pulp image. The right cover steals your attention away from whatever else is distracting you in your life and demands your gaze fall HERE on the cover and the promise of the story within. Jeremiah’s new cover has that stopping power and we are excited to share it with you.
Christopher Affonco Bradley is the co-host and co-creator of The Crime Is Up Podcast.